Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Them. Whom I Love the Most.

I was 6 months. Know nothing but they gave me things.

I was 1 year old and know nothing. They start to teach me things.

I was 5 years old only knows a birthday party held by them. 
Blew candles then ate a piece of cake.

I was 7 years old. Got bestfriend for the 1st time invited to my very special birthday bash. I only know presents. Blew candles then ate pieces of cake. A bash that was threw by them.

I was 8 years old. Became the best student. The first time I saw that they were proud of me. Thou I knew they were always be.

I was 9 years old and asked for something called tamagotchi. I screamed. 
I cried and they gave it to me.

I was 10 years old and got mine cut. They were standing right next to me. I screamed and I cried.

I was 11 years old. Demanding a lot. Sneakers. Playstation. Bags. Shirts. 
I screamed and I cried. They smiled and they gave it to me.

I was 12 years old. They were there. When I got predicate as the best student. I saw that tears stream running down on their face. I knew that is the time when they were proud of me.

I was 14 years old. When I graduated from my juniors. They were not there. I pissed.  That is the first time I didn't saw their tears.

I was 15, 16, and 17 when I start my independency. They were there.

I was 18 when I lived, for the first time, by my own. They were there. Packing things up. Driving all the way for more than 130 km (back then) just to ensure that their boy was okay. 

I was 19 when they gently gave up their only son to live independent. They still there. Checking me up. Every minute and every second.

I was 20 when I got my very first-time-surprise from them. They were there.


I am now turning 21. 


They did everything but I did nothing.

So far. This is what I can only say.


Apa yang telah kalian lakukan merupakan harta yang paling berharga dari semua apa yang telah Mirza dapatkan selama ini..It is priceless..

Terimakasih untuk semua kasih sayang yang telah Papa dan Mama berikan dengan segenap hati yang ikhlas.

Terimakasih untuk keringat dan jerih payah yang Papa dan Mama selama ini curahkan dengan segenap cinta yang tulus.

Terimakasih atas didikan Papa dan Mama selama ini sehingga Mirza bisa menjadi seperti sekarang ini.

Pa..Ma..Mirza akan terus berusaha menjadi anak yang bisa Mama dan Papa banggakan selalu, yang bisa Mama dan Papa andalkan kapanpun dan dimanapun.


Ya..Allah..jagalah mereka selalu dalam lindunganMu..buatlah mereka bahagia sebagaimana mereka membahagiakanku selama ini..

Ya..Allah..jadikanlah mereka menjadi orang yang paling beruntung di dunia dan di akhirat nanti..

Ya..Allah..Terima kasih telah menghadirkan mereka di dunia ini..
