Friday, December 28, 2007

Late is Not the Word


It is been a while sekali nampaknya semenjak postingan terakhir mengenai relationship or whatever itulah. It is not that I dont want to. It is just that I dont hav the time to write what is on my mind to this. It is been really busy last semester. Well, actually, not last semester coz it is still running *3 exams are still waiting.

Well, anyway, just check my blog and. Yeeaaayyy. There are two new comments from my ex-nerd friend and my cutie-little-using-veil friend. Love it. Thanks thou. I, actually going to steal the idea from my second friend. That she already said thanks to her partner or commonly my friends in Industrial Engineering called as a PLO Mate.

For those of you who do not know what thell is PLO?Just think about a chainsaw. Turn it on. Hang it on close to ur face. THAT!

PLO is more like a killing machine. Who sucked our blood 'till there's nothing left behind from our bloodstream. Sounds too Hyper but it is. PLO is our class project that makes some of us cudn't be with their family. Yeeahh..for those of you who do not know. You got the idea.

Well, back to topic. I am gladly here just want to say millions even billions of thanks to my PLO Mate whose been my partner for like 5 to 6 months. Just want to say that. We finally nailed it. Build our own factory. Again, thanks, there's nothing more I can say.


Batari Saraswati said...

aaaah. lo bikin gua takuuuut. takuut PLO. hehe. header fotonya bagus kok mi. seriously.

Floresiana Yasmin said...

ex-nerd friend?
well, at least its EX-nerd. hehe.

mietun, lo menggambarkan plo dengan tepat sekali. bat, lo emang pantas takut kok sama plo.
tapi jangan lupa mii... kita masih akan menjelang permodelan dengan Mr. Icak. Haaah... another killing machine.